1. Place Group 1 ingredients into bowl in above order.
2. Blend for approximately 1 minute on low speed.
3. Scrape down.
4. Mix on 2nd speed for 4 minutes.
5. Blend in Group 2 on low speed.
6. Line double-ended tray with butchers paper.
7. Deposit batter evenly onto tray.
8. Oven temperature 180°C.
9. When cool, cut strips 9 cm wide width ways across the sheets.
10. Split strips horizontally creating two strips 9 cm wide.
11. Process One: Pipe coffee flavoured BAKELS PETTINA FOND SUISSE RECIPE approximately 2 cm
thick onto strips. Then pipe all milk PETTINA FOND SUISSE using No. 11 plain tube in a zig zag pattern
down strip. Dust with cocoa.
12. Process Two: Use two templates 8.5 cm high. Place against coffee strip. Pipe coffee flavoured
PETTINA FOND SUISSE 2 cm high on top of strip. Then using No. 11 plain tube pipe all milk PETTINA FOND
SUISSE in a zig zag pattern down strip. Dust with cocoa.
13. When set, run hot knife down sides of strip to release from templates.
33-47 Derby Street Silverwater NSW 2128