1. Pre-heat oven to 240°C with steam on.
2. Place group 1 into a spiral mixer.
3. Mix for 7 minutes on speed 1 and then 7 minutes on speed 3 until dough is fully developed (dough
temp. 24-26°C).
4. Rest in oiled & covered container for 60 minutes.
5. Divide dough into 500g pieces and mould into a baguette shape while joining both ends together.
6. Place them on flat trays and dry prove for 45 minutes until fully proved.
7. Dust dough surface with rye flour and cut 4 times around the loaf.
8. Place dough in the oven and reduce the temperature to 210°C.
9. Bake for 40-45 minutes (vent after 20 minutes).
33-47 Derby Street Silverwater NSW 2128