1. Place all ingredients in mixing bowl of spiral mixer.
2. Mix on slow speed for 2 minutes.
3. Mix for approximately 8 minutes on fast speed until well-developed.
4. Finished dough temperature 28-30°C.
5. Rest dough for 10 minutes then scale, then rest for another 10 minutes. Or
6. Allow dough to recover for 20 minutes then knock back and scale.
7. Mould into required bread varieties.
8. Proof at 35°C and 70-80% RH for approximately 60 minutes until proofed.
9. Wash with egg wash 'Super Glossy'.
10. Bake at 200°C.
11. Note: 100g roll bake at 200°C for approximately 15 minutes.
33-47 Derby Street Silverwater NSW 2128